Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Amel Ben Othmane, Oracle, 64h, L1, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Elena Cabrio, Algorithms, Object-oriented programming (labs), 18h, Licence 2, UNS.

  • Licence : Elena Cabrio, Introduction to the Web (labs), 12h, Licence 1, UNS.

  • Licence : Elena Cabrio, Web Server Programming (labs), 18h, Licence 1 UNS.

  • Licence : Olivier Corby, Semantic Web, 2h, L3, UTT.

  • Licence : Isabelle Mirbel, Databases, 58h, L3 MIAGE, UNS.

  • Licence : Isabelle Mirbel, Web programming (Persistence), 54h L3 MIAGE, UNS.

  • Licence : Alexandre Monnin, Analyse des controverses, 7h30, L1, Telecom ParisTech.

  • Licence : Alexandre Monnin, Philosophie du Web et controverses, 12h, L3, Université Paris 10.

  • Licence : Andrea Tettamanzi, Algorithmique – Programmation Objet – Python, 50 h, Licence 2, UNS.

  • Licence : Andrea Tettamanzi, Programmation Web Avancée (côté client), 39 h, Licence 2, UNS.

  • Licence : Andrea Tettamanzi, Web, 18h, L3 MIAGE, UNS.

  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Databases, 150h, DUT S2, IUT UNS.

  • Licence : Nhan Le Thanh, Advanced Databases, 105h, DUT S3, IUT, UNS.

  • Licence: Nhan Le Thanh, Logical Data Models and Languages, 24h, L3, UNS.

  • Licence: Nhan Le Thanh, Design and Development of DBMS services, 24h, L3, UNS.

  • Licence : Serena Villata, Conception orientée objets, 6h, Licence Miage, UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, Distributed Web Development, 40h, M2, UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, Plasticity of User Interfaces, HTML5 8h, M2, Polytech UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, New Interaction Means, HTML5, 8h, M2, Polytech UNS.

  • Master : Michel Buffa, Web 2.0, Web Services, HTML5, 40h, M2 MIAGE, UNS.

  • Master : Elena Cabrio, Knowledge Engineering, 7h, Master 2 KIS, UNS.

  • Master : Elena Cabrio, Web Science, 3h, Master 2 IFI, UNS.

  • Master : Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Fabien Gandon, Semantic Web, 45h, M2, UNS.

  • Fabien Gandon, Web Sémantique ou comment se déploient sur le Web les données liées et la sémantique de leurs schémas, 2H/year, M2, Ecole Centrale Paris.

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Development on the Android platform, 24h, M2, UNS, France

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Web Services, 22h, M2, UNS, France

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Web Architecture & Web Services, 25h, M2, University State of Haiti, Haiti

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Mobile Development, 30h, M2, University State of Haiti, Haiti

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Introduction to Near Field Communication, 15h, M2, EMSI, Maroc

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Administration of Oracle Database, 16h, M1, UNS, France

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Human-Computer-Interaction Design and Evaluation, 54h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Interaction Techniques and Mutlimodality, 8h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Task and Activity Analysis for HCI design and evaluation, 6h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, HCI Design and Evaluation, 10h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS

  • Master : Alain Giboin, Economics and ICT: Ergonomics, 15h, M2 Economics and ICT, ISEM, UNS.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Advanced databases, 48h, MASTER MIAGE 1, UNS.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Requirement Engineering, 42h, MASTER MIAGE 1, UNS.

  • Master : Isabelle Mirbel, Project Management, 20h, MASTER MIAGE 2, UNS.

  • Master : Alexandre Monnin, Style d’architecture REST et prise en main de Wikipédia/DBpedia, 5h, M2, Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT).

  • Master : Alexandre Monnin, Ingénierie des connaissances : Wikipedia, DBpedia et Wikidata, 3h, M2 Miage, UNS.

  • Master : Andrea Tettamanzi, Systèmes Distribués, 18h, Master MIAGE 1, UNS.

  • Master : Andrea Tettamanzi, Concurrency and Parallelism, 18h, Master International 1, UNS.

  • “Fuzzy Description Logics” and “Ontology Learning”, within the module Ingénierie des connaissances, Master 2 Web, Polytech'Nice, 10 h ETD.

  • Master : Serena Villata, Knowledge Engineering & Argumentation Theory, 3h, M2 KIS, UNS.

  • Master : Serena Villata, Web Science, 5h, Master Miage, UNS.


  • PhD : Thi Hoa Hue Nguyen, La vérification de patrons de workflow métier basés sur les flux de contrôle : Une approche utilisant les systèmes à base de connaissances, U. Nice-Sophia Antipolis & U. Danang, June 16th, Nhan Le Thanh

  • PhD in progress : Amel Ben Othmane, Temporal and Semantic Analysis of Information Retrieved from Short and Spatio-Temporal Messages in Social Networks, UNS, Nhan Le Than.

  • PhD in progress : Papa Fary Diallo, Co-Construction of Community Ontologies and Corpus in a Limited Technological Environment, Inria, UNS, UGB, Isabelle Mirbel, Olivier Corby, Moussa Lo.

  • PhD in progress : Amosse Edouard, Studies of Spatial Semantic Aspect, Real Time Filtering Mechanisms and Semantic Enrichment of Short Messages on Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Social Networks, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh.

  • PhD in progress : Zide Meng, Temporal and Semantic Analysis of Richly Typed Social Networks from User-Generated-Content Sites on the Web, UNS, Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • PhD in progress : Franck Michel, Heterogeneous databases federation in distributed environment, UNS, Johan Montagnat, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • PhD in progress : Tran Duc Minh, Learning Ontologies from Linked Open Data, Andrea Tettamanzi, UNS and Nguyen Thanh Binh, University of Danang.

  • PhD in progress : Emilie Palagi, Design of a Model-based Method for Evaluating Exploratory Search Systems, UNS, Labex UCN@Sophia, Alain Giboin, Fabien Gandon with Raphael Troncy (Eurecom).

  • PhD in progress : Tuan Anh Pham, Study and integration of the mechanism of workflow control in MVC (Model View Controler) architecture: design and implementation of an APM (Activity Process Management) platform for dynamic information systems on the networks, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh.


Olivier Corby was reviewer, together with Fabien Gandon, of the PhD thesis of Nicola Guido On the Static Analysis for SPARQL Queries using Modal Logic at Univ. Grenoble on December 3rd 2015.

Catherine Faron-Zucker was member of the jury of:

Pierre-Yves Buard, Modélisation de sources anciennes et édition numérique, Université de Caen, May 2015;

Xuan Truong Vu, User-centered and group-based approach for social data filtering and sharing, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, April 2015;

Farouz Soualah-Alila, CAMLearn : une architecture de système de recommandation sémantique sensible au contexte: application au domaine du m-learning, Université de Dijon-Auxerre, March 2015.

Fabien Gandon was president of the jury of Freddy Lecue Habilitation Semantics for Scalable Machine Reasoning in the Web of Data, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis, November 6th 2015.

Alain Giboin was jury member of the PhD thesis of Aurore Defays: ”Influence des communications multimodales sur le processus de grounding. Proposition d’une méthodologie d’analyse, appliquée dans le domaine de la conception architecturale”, Université de Liège, Belgique, July 2015.

Isabelle Mirbel was jury member: Myriam FAKHRI, PAX : une vision des processus métier basée sur la co-ingénierie de compositions de services, Aix Marseille Université, December 2015.

Andrea Tettamanzi was jury member:

Seif-Eddine Kramdi, A Modal Approach to Model Computational Trust, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, October 5, 2015;

María Martínez Rojas, Tratamiento inteligente de datos en proyectos de edificación, University of Granada, Spain, November 25, 2015.